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What makes the difference in the quality of people's lives? What makes some people leaders and other people followers? What makes most people talk about a dream and never follow through, and other people, just a small percentage, kick-ass, take names, you can throw any obstacle at them, they find a way to break through? What's the difference? It's not talent, it's not skill, it's hunger. If you get enough hunger going in you for an answer, you'll find the answer. If you get a hunger enough inside of you that says I gotta take things to a next level, I gotta achieve, I gotta make a difference, I gotta expand, you will find the answer. People's intelligence will expand if they've got enough hunger. But if you got everything and you're not hungry, you're not gonna have much. There comes a f*cking day where push comes to shove.
Where being mediocre, being like average, and sh*t just f*cking burns it sucks so much. You can't deal with it one more day. And you get off your f*cking ass and you create something that's always been there. And no matter what happens, I'm never gonna be in this boat again. And you get up and you go, even if you get knocked down, you just keep going, keep going, you're a wild man. It's within you. And the people that have risen to that level were no different than any one of us. It's just that they believed it and they were willing to work their f*cking ass off to get it. It wasn't about the potential, it wasn't about the genetics, it was about the perseverance, and it was about being the hardest f*cking worker in the room. A game? All I got is an A game. I ain't got a B game, I ain't got a C game. When I finish, people are relying on me. Some of y'all, when you get on the field, you forgot what it was like when you were hustling in high school playing ball. When you were in college hustling to get to this point. But the difference between me and most people is you might be sweeter than me, you might be bigger than me, you might grind, listen to me, I don't know, you might have money, I don't know where you come from but you will not outwork me. every single time. Nobody gave me this, I earned it. Life wasn't a crystal stair for me. Didn't nobody give me a network, I earned the network. Get up. Act like you playing basketball, act like you playing football, and compete. That's what bothers me, many of y'all are not competing. I need effort and competition. Act like you playing football, go in that doggone classroom, compete.
Many of you have lost your competitive edge. Get your competitive edge back. I'm not against no other motivational speakers, I'm just competitive. You not giving 120, you giving 70, you gave 60, you giving 50. And you want what these people who've given sweat, who's given blood, who's given tears, you want what they paid for and it ain't free. And you gotta get to a point where you are so locked in, you are so centered that you don't hear anything around you, all you hear is the dream saying let's go. One more class. One more hour. Push. Push. Push. We not gonna wait, we gonna do work. We gonna put in work. Because every time you put in work you get the same consequences, you get paid. You get rewarded.


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