What is the common denominator of failure? Why are you failing? You never say because of me. "Oh it's the competition. It's the economy. It's the president. It's congress." If you wake up tomorrow morning and blame your failure on someone or something else, you have no reason to change, do you? But if woke up in the morning and looked in the mirror and said, I am failing because of me. The decisions that I make, the energy I put in. I'm not passing the blame. If you look in the mirror tomorrow and say that, you will change. 'Cause nobody likes thinking of themselves as a failure. Winners win and losers lose. And if you create a culture of losing, if you keep being a victim, if you keep letting losing happen to you, if you keep letting people do you and treat you any kind of way, it's gonna become a culture. Take ownership. Take ownership of everything in your world, the good and the bad. Don't make excuses, don't blame any other person or any other thing.
So I'll hear people say "If you believe it, then you can achieve it!" And the problem with that is they're leaving out the most important part of the equation. And that part is work. Action. Actually doing something. That's what you have to do to achieve anything. Yeah you gotta believe it, but you better get the work done. And most people will not be successful, they will not reach whatever they wrote, because when there's not anything emotionally attached to it, they're gonna quit and give up. Most people were closer than they ever thought that they were to finishing that big thing, but they never finished it because they didn't feel like finishing it. Or they were doing it and there was pain. And most people quit in the pain because the pain hurts so bad that they don't know if they wanna keep going to get the goal. 'Cause you're gonna wake up most days and not feel like it. You're gonna wake up most days not be pumped up...
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