The first level to success in life, listen to me, the very first level is you seeing it. Like it's clear to you. You know exactly what you want, you know exactly when you want it, you know exactly what it tastes like, you know what it look like, you know what it smells like. Before you really blow-up blow-up and you get success, you literally have it in the palm of your hand without having it. You gotta know what it looks like, tastes like, feel like, because if you don't you're gonna compromise. I don't alter my mission at hand. No one f*cks with me. 'Cause I don't allow them to. It's gotta be that way, it's gotta be unconditionally focused. What that means is that if you are in, and you believe in yourself, no one can change that. Winners complain. Winners wanna hear themselves talk. Champions do not complain, why?
Because they're focusing on what they said they wanted to do as a goal. You're not putting energy, you're not commanding your gift, you're not commanding your opportunity, you're not commanding your resources. You're not commanding your dreams and goals. You look at them jokers every once every 3 months, if that. You better be looking at them jokers every day. Where your focus goes your energy flows. I need us to look at all the possibilities, all of the potential and I need us to go for it every single day. Monday grind, Tuesday grind, Wednesday grind, Thursday grind, Friday grind, Saturday grind, Sunday grind. Every opportunity that exists I need you to go after it. If you wanna be successful, if you wanna dominate in an area, you gotta let everything go but that thing you're pursuing. You can't chase two rabbits and catch both of them. So you put your attention on one and go after it. Champions are focused on the goal. They don't have time to be doing stuff that's not gonna help them toward the goal. And so what you're focusing on throughout the course of the day, it has to change. What you're looking at, what you're reading, what you're watching, the conversations you have. You must now be focused on your dreams, you must be focused on your goals. When you are great you don't focus on a week, When you are great you don't focus on a month, When you are great you don't focus on a year.
You concentrate on the 24 hours that's in front of you and you nail it. If you plan to shake up this world then you have to hustle. That is the secret, that is the reason Michelangelo said if you knew how much work I put into my art, you would not call it genius. You know how hard I work to get here? I put in too many hours. I sweat too much blood, too much tears, I worked hard to get here, didn't nobody give me this. I didn't grow up with wealth. Didn't nobody pay me. I worked for this. Sweat, blood, tears. I earn every dime I get. I work for this. I put in time. We have to stop making excuses, we have to stop letting into distractions, we have to stop getting unfocused. Everyone wants to win but few want to prepare. Few want to put in the work that it truly takes. Few want to really love the process. Most of us are just addicted and obsessed with the result or what we want. But really the magic is the being and the process. The magic is in the day-to-day, the magic is in the work, the magic is in the practice. The magic is in the moment where we become the winner before we've even won.