What gets you out of bed? What gets you off the couch? What gets you in the gym? It's not your alarm. It's not your parents. It's not your friends. It's you. The only one that can make it happen for you is you. It's tough to be led by your but. But I'm not qualified. But I'm not good enough. But I'm not smart enough. But I didn't go to the right school. But I don't have enough money. But, but, but, but, but. If you're ever going to step into your future, if you're ever going to step into your destiny, you're going to have to get over your but. And that's what a pity party is when you have an undisciplined mind and you meditate on the wrong thing over and over and over again. If you're gonna throw a pity party, I give you 3 days and that's it. And after 3 days, you cut off your phone, and your laptop, and you come up with a plan. Do I just sit there and settle? No, I don't. I say enough is enough, man, and I'm gonn...