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I dare you to work on yourself

What gets you out of bed? What gets you off the couch? What gets you in the gym? It's not your alarm. It's not your parents. It's not your friends. It's you. The only one that can make it happen for you is you. It's tough to be led by your but. But I'm not qualified. But I'm not good enough. But I'm not smart enough. But I didn't go to the right school. But I don't have enough money. But, but, but, but, but. If you're ever going to step into your future, if you're ever going to step into your destiny, you're going to have to get over your but. And that's what a pity party is when you have an undisciplined mind and you meditate on the wrong thing over and over and over again. If you're gonna throw a pity party, I give you 3 days and that's it. And after 3 days, you cut off  your phone, and your laptop, and you come up with a plan. Do I just sit there and settle? No, I don't. I say enough is enough, man, and I'm gonn...


You gotta have the courage. Do you have the courage? To act outwardly on what you see inwardly or you die dreamer, where you pass on the verge and die on the edge of could have, would have or should have Do you have the courage I'm gonna drop some on you, It takes courage to be successful, it is far easier not to be successful, misery will always have company. Success breeds contempt, if you don't want to make waves be mediocre, be normal and just fit in and if you're more concerned about people than you are God, then neutralize everything he put in you just fit in with everybody else and dress like them, walk like them, act like them, eat like them, go where they go, think as they think, do what they do and once you neutralize your uniqueness you don't need courage it takes courage to be different, it takes courage to go where you've never gone before. For some of you, it took courage to come to this article, it takes courage to get you outside of the bar, it takes...


 Life is not easy at all. There's gonna be challenges. You're gonna get beat down. That's the way life is. So, you sort of put a mask on your face and you go home and lay in your bed where no one's looking at you, and you don't have to impress anybody and you're yourself. And fear comes in. Maybe you don't know for sure what's gonna be happening in the future and it scares you. Just that fear paralyses you, and I just wanna ask you today, do you think you have hope? At some point, everything's gonna go south on you, everything's gonna go south and you're gonna say, this is it. This is how I end. Now you can either accept that or you can get to work. That's all it is. You just begin. You do the math, you solve one problem, then you solve the next one. And it doesn't matter how you get knocked down in life, 'cause that's gonna happen. All that matters is that you gotta get up. You have to get up. Whatever experience you're h...


 Commitment. It means taking a stand. Taking a stand for you. It means delivering. It means coming through. What if you don't keep your commitment? What if you give it everything you have and you come up short? Or if you don't give it everything you have, what if you get weak along the way and you throw in the towel on yourself, you surrender to your emotions, what then? A lot of people become discouraged, they become frustrated, and they say oh, what the heck. And they go back to doing what they were doing before saying it doesn't work. Life happens. Things happen out of your control. Now you can either respond to that in the way you should or you can let that mess you up. It's not what happens to you in life that determines your future.  It's how you respond to what happens to you that determines your future. I failed over and over and over again in my life. And that's what I succeeded. You get to make a choice. Is failure going to break you or is failure goin...


The first level to success in life, listen to me, the very first level is you seeing it. Like it's clear to you. You know exactly what you want, you know exactly when you want it, you know exactly what it tastes like, you know what it look like, you know what it smells like. Before you really blow-up blow-up and you get success, you literally have it in the palm of your hand without having it. You gotta know what it looks like, tastes like, feel like, because if you don't you're gonna compromise. I don't alter my mission at hand. No one f*cks with me. 'Cause I don't allow them to. It's gotta be that way, it's gotta be unconditionally focused. What that means is that if you are in, and you believe in yourself, no one can change that. Winners complain. Winners wanna hear themselves talk. Champions do not complain, why? Because they're focusing on what they said they wanted to do as a goal. You're not putting energy, you're not commanding your g...


 Mental toughness is a lot different than motivation. 'Cause if I said right now, everybody in here, everybody, we're all gonna run a half marathon in 5 days. All of us. And we're all going, "Yeah!" And we're getting fired up. And I say, yeah! We're gonna start tomorrow at 5 AM! And everyone's hugging each other. "Yes! 5 AM." We leave. 5 AM comes. It's dark. It's cold. Our bed is comfortable. It's hard to get motivated at 5 in the morning. And maybe you do it one day, But again? And again? You gotta go do it again and again? That is the X-ray vision. It's seeing through your broken bones to get to your goal. You have to train your brain by doing things that make you uncomfortable consistently. To build this mindset that when things get hard, which they will be, we don't shy away, we don't quit, we attack. I'm seeing through all those walls. I'm getting to where I wanna go. See I've learned, everybody on the...


 What if you give it everything you have and you come up short? What if you get weak along the way and you throw in the towel on yourself, you surrender to your emotions, what then? Everybody tripping through something. Everybody. I don't care who you are, you going through something. But your great life is in front of you. It's not behind you. What you did back there ain't got nothing to do with what god got for you. What you did back there was learn the lessons to get you to where you are at this particular moment right here. Maybe being weary doesn't mean you're weak. We're in hell right now. And we can stay here, get the sh*t kicked out of us or we can fight our way back into the light. We can climb out of hell. One inch at a time. It's okay to fall. Because when you fall, you get back up. What I need you to do, is I need you to find a reason to keep going. And if you can find a reason to keep going, I know you're strong enough to do it 'cause yo...


I dare you to work on yourself for 6 months. I dare you to shut out the world. I dare you to to shut out all of the distractions. I dare you to to give up everything that is keeping you from your dream. Every day I wake up, I got all kind of demands, you got all kind of demands, and the reason why you're not where you wanna be, you taking all other people's stuff before you spend enough time with yourself to get to know you and get to know what you want and what you should do. Come on y'all, y'all heard it a million times, in case of an emergency, put the doggone mask on yourself first. And the problem with most of y'all in this room, you giving it to everybody else first. And then you pissed when you give it to everybody else first and you come up short and you wondering why you came up short, 'cause you gave it to everybody else first. Take care of you. In order to have unbelievable options and choices in your life, in your pursuit of your dream you must elimi...


There's a kind of instinct that you need to be on the lookout for, and this one is a liar. This one is a saboteur. This one is a backbiter. This is the instinct that says you've had enough. You've given it your best shot. You can stand down. You can back off. You can rest now. Do not listen to that instinct. Do not listen. And that is the instinct you need to fight, you need to push back, to smash into the ground. Train that instinct. Train it to say get up. Go. Fight on. If you don't punish yourself, it's never gonna happen. If you don't punish yourself, somebody said, you losing weight. I punish myself. I don't eat meat no more, that's a punishment. I had to give something up to go up. What do you give up? Do you not watch TV? That's your problem. You getting to watch TV and not make money and still survive. The reason why you broke is because you're getting a reward and you ain't working. You gotta stop playing. Most of you, what happens i...


So I'll hear people say "If you believe it, then you can achieve it!" And the problem with that is they're leaving out the most important part of the equation. And that part is work. Action. Actually doing something. That's what you have to do to achieve anything. Yeah you gotta believe it, but you better get the work done. And most people will not be successful, they will not reach whatever they wrote, because when there's not anything emotionally attached to it, they're gonna quit and give up. Most people were closer than they ever thought that they were to finishing that big thing, but they never finished it because they didn't feel like finishing it. Or they were doing it and there was pain. And most people quit in the pain because the pain hurts so bad that they don't know if they wanna keep going to get the goal. 'Cause you're gonna wake up most days and not feel like it. You're gonna wake up most days not be pumped up...


Life is going to happen. And you're gonna set up a plan and you're gonna have a vision, and you're gonna hope that it's gonna turn out perfect, but what so often happens in life is that things get burned. And things go the wrong way. And it's in that moment that you're gonna have to choose your reaction. You have a choice to make. Do you have the right reaction or the wrong reaction? Some of us, we're tempted, I'll just lay here and it will pass over me. And I'm telling you You will be in a vicious cycle forever. You have to get up. Some of you have been knocked out by life. And you got up and saw the blood, "He hit me." Sometimes in life, you have to hit back. Recycle your pain. Get something from it, you already in pain, use it, do something with it. Allow it to take you to the next level, allow your pain to push you to greatness. What's your why? You need a why. Why do you need a why? 'Cause some days you're gonna say I don...


For somebody going through tough times, for somebody struggling just to keep your head above water, you're trying but things don't seem to be quite working out the way you planned. You thought you'd be in a different place at this season in your life. But you're still suffering. You have no say-so in what happens to you. But you have a say-so in what you do about it. You have a determining voice into where your life can go. See life is 10% what happens to you, it's 90% what you do about it. You get a setback, you get thrown off course, you lost your mama, that's dirt. But show me something that has grown into something beautiful that didn't have no dirt on it. You need dirt on you to develop. Because dirt ain't just dirt, dirt is fertilizer, dirt is nutrient, dirt gives you the strength for your seed to push through. You gotta have dirt on you to push through something. Everything that you see that's beautiful starts out as a seed. but that seed got ...


At the end of your feelings is nothing. But at the end of every principle is a promise. Behind your little feelings, it might not be absolutely nothing at the end of your little feelings. But behind every principle is a promise. And some of you in your life, the reason why you're not at your goal right now is you're just all about your feelings. You all on your feelings. You don't feel like waking up. Who does? Every day you say no to your dreams, you might be pushing your dreams back a whole 6 months, a whole year. That one single day, that one day you didn't get up could've pushed your stuff back I don't know how long. Don't let that happen. Get aggressive, be vigilant, attack and destroy the weakness in your head. Go. Everybody wants to do work when they're feeling strong and they're feeling refreshed. But what's more important is when you actually do the work when you're feeling tired and feeling weak and feeling lazy. When you have those...


You know what's so funny? We want people to make guarantees to us but we not willing to make guarantees to ourselves. Somebody gave you a guarantee, 30 day guarantee. In 30 days, if you don't make what they told you it was gonna make, in 30 days, you got a attitude, you want your money back. But you've never demanded your money back from yourself. You've never looked yourself in the mirror and said, you let you down. You keep saying you ain't on the next level because of the economy, you keep saying you ain't on the next level 'cause it ain't the season, you keep saying you ain't on the next level because the opportunity ain't there. The truth of the matter is you ain't there 'cause you ain't there. Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said, I'm not getting up on time, I'm not going to work on time, I'm not putting in 120% when I'm at work. I let me down. And there are some of you, you know what you want,...


You meet somebody wealthy, their family at one point was not wealthy. And then the one shows up. The one. One person changes the family tree forever, in my family, I'm the one. And it wasn't 'cause I wanted it or I hoped for it, I fought for it. I wanna win. I wanna fight for my family, I want my mom and dad proud of me. I want my kids proud of me. I want me proud of me. I wanna look in the mirror and be happy with the man I look back at. That he gave it everything, that he went for it. But here's the truth, most people's dreams can be bought. With enough failure, with enough rejection they will sell their dreams. They can't still fight. They can get a little bit, but when it gets a little too hot, they go boom, sold. Buy the dream. You can have it. It's not worth it to me. And their will to win is buyable. You can buy it. But if you decide my will cannot be bought, I don't care how long it takes, you can't buy this dude out. I'll keep fighting f...


You can write everything down if you want to, be brave enough to write every one of your goals down, but I'm gonna tell you something, life's gonna hit you in your mouth and you gotta do me a huge favor, your why has to be greater than that knock down. And I love it, Buster Douglas got knocked out. Nobody ever got knocked out by Mike Tyson and ever got back up. It was almost a ten count, he was stumbling, 4. 3. 2. 1. Ding, ding, ding, saved by the bell. He goes to his corner, the whole world is like yep that’s it. Once he comes back out, that’s it, Mike's gonna just hammer him. And exactly that, Mike Tyson come out like I got him. I got this kid up against the rope. Listen to me, many of you right now, life’s got you up against the rope. You can’t give up, you can’t give in. Listen to me, if it would be easy everybody would do it. And if life’s got you backed up, I need you to do what Buster Douglas did, Buster Douglas started fighting back. And the world was shocked. Golia...


What makes the difference in the quality of people's lives? What makes some people leaders and other people followers? What makes most people talk about a dream and never follow through, and other people, just a small percentage, kick-ass, take names, you can throw any obstacle at them, they find a way to break through? What's the difference? It's not talent, it's not skill, it's hunger. If you get enough hunger going in you for an answer, you'll find the answer. If you get a hunger enough inside of you that says I gotta take things to a next level, I gotta achieve, I gotta make a difference, I gotta expand, you will find the answer. People's intelligence will expand if they've got enough hunger. But if you got everything and you're not hungry, you're not gonna have much. There comes a f*cking day where push comes to shove. Where being mediocre, being like average, and sh*t just f*cking burns it sucks so much. You can't deal with it one more ...


Far too may of you worry way too much about other people and not enough about your f*cking selves. You know how you get good at business? You worry about your own f*cking sh*t. You know how you get good at your job? You worry about your own f*cking sh*t. You know how you get in good shape? You don't worry about how many reps the other motherf*cker in the gym is doing, you worry about how many reps you're f*cking doing. If you're gonna run a business, do you think I sit in the f*cking back room and talk to my key guys about what everybody else is doing? No. I don't f*cking care. I don't care what anybody else is doing. I care what we're doing. I care if we're making the calls, I care if we're providing value, I care if we're making the best products. I don't give a f*ck if anybody else is doing that. I care if we're doing that. And you know what? That's how you become a leader. That's how you become the industry leader. Because you...


When I look at people, I always ask the question, I say, man tell me what Nike stands for. They said, "Oh Ink that's easy, Just Do It." I said, tell me what Adidas stands for. "Oh Ink that's easy man, Impossible Is Nothing." I said, now tell me what you stand for. When people look at you, do they think excuses? When people look at you, do they think victory? When people look at you, do they think, that's a person that's gonna give me everything they got, not on some days, but on every day, and it's not gonna be predicated upon if I feel like it, because I think we all know if we only worked on the days when we felt like it none of us would get much accomplished. I'm talking about the real level of commitment. Not the commitment that falls in line if everything goes right. I'm speaking of the commitment that says, I am going to stay true to what I said I would do, long after the mood that I've said it in has left. See, most people ladi...